Fresh Cut Rose Flower Hand Bouquet

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Hand Bouquet for someone special at promotional rate!

Mix and March lovely roses ( Red/ Pink/ White/ Orange ) for your rose hand bouquet. Fresh-cut Hydrangea flower hand bouquet with lovely roses or gerbera for birthday / graduation/ proposal / special occasion.

**The meaning of Hydrangea**

First discovered in Japan, the name hydrangea comes from the Greek "hydor," meaning water, and "angos," meaning jar or vessel. This roughly translates to "water barrel," referring to the hydrangea's need for plenty of water and its cup-shaped flower. With its wooden stems and lacy, star-shaped flowers packed closely together in a pompom, the hydrangea has wide ranges of color from white to blue to pink and purple.

In the language of flowers, hydrangeas symbolize friendship, devotion, perseverance, sincerity, and understanding. Their calming blue shades have also come to mean peace and tranquility. Not surprisingly, these opulent blooms were thought to convey pride and vanity in the conservative Victorian era. Regardless of their meaning, these flowers are sure to start a conversation!

Visit Store    Price Sin$79.00    Tue, Apr 25, 2017 4:50 AM



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Price Sin$79.00

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Taken At Tue, Apr 25, 2017 4:50 AM


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