MozKiller – Highly Effective Mosquito Insect Trap

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Highly Effective Mosquito and Insect Trap Eliminator MozKiller. Protect your family and yourself from dengue with a MozKiller. It traps mosquitoes and other insects by luring them with UV light, so you and your family can sleep peacefully without waking up to itchy bumps and buzzing by your ears.


- 3-in-1 Technology to attract and trap mosquitoes and nuisance insects in an area of 860 square feet

- Odorless - Pesticide Free

- Smokeless

- Chemical free

- Acts as a night lamp

- Always on - Operates 24 hours a day 7 days a week

- Outdoor and indoor Use

- Silent and easy to install

- Durable - All weather construction

- One time investment - No expensive propellant or propane necessary

Protect your home against mosquitoes with MozKiller

- Highly effective

- Environment friendly

- Safe for human and pets

Stop dengue with MozKiller

Mosquitoes easily locate their prey by sensing the carbon dioxide and warmth that warm-blooded mammals give off, as well as natural by-products such as octenol and lactic acid. Like most insects, they are also attracted by ultraviolet light.

MozKiller utilizes these active attractants to lure mosquitoes as well as other biting insects away from humans and into the trap, where they dehydrate and die. Unlike many traditional eradication methods, MozKiller does not rely on harmful chemicals, pesticides and repellents, flames, or exposed high voltage parts, and is safe for indoor use, even around children. The attractants, which are natural by-products of respiration, are locked securely at the bottom of the trap, and moving parts such as fans are safely enclosed.

MozKiller can be used either as a standalone trap providing protection in a small area, or as part of a larger abatement and control system protecting an entire premise.


MozKiller offers a 3-way protection plan for insect elimination. First, UV fluorescent bulbs produce warm light to attract insects to the MozKiller. Second, an exclusive UV fluorescent bulbs inside MozKiller produces carbon dioxide (CO2) in 20cm range surrounded after on for 2 hours, which is irresistible to mosquitoes. Third, the insects are lured to the powerful vacuum fan, where they are collected and trapped into the retaining cage away from the area of usage providing the user safe pest protection and comfortable living quarters.

Ultraviolet light rays

Mosquitoes and other flying insects react extremely sensitively to certain wavelength of ultraviolet rays. MozKiller's special UV bulbs are made of the highest quality and designed to last approximately 20,000 hours (or 27 months). MozKiller can attract and capture mosquitoes both in bright and dark outdoors and indoors, and is designed to run 24/7.

Powerful Vacuum Action Fan

Once flying insects have been attracted to the MozKiller by warm UV light and CO2, the MozKiller's powerful (yet whisper-quiet) fan serves two functions. It is first used to draw insects into the retaining cage. It then keeps those insects from escaping using the vacuum action created by the continuous cycle of the fan. The MozKiller is energy efficient and is designed to run continuously. The fan is so quiet, it's hardly noticeable.

Retaining Cage

Insects are drawn into the retaining cage trapping them until they dehydrate and die. The retaining cage can be removed, allowing the contents to be periodically emptied into the trash. The screened material on the retaining cage allows what has been trapped in the unit to be seen, and alerting you when the cage needs to be emptied.

Visit Store    Price Sin$21.00    Sun, Apr 23, 2017 6:42 AM



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Price Sin$21.00

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Taken At Sun, Apr 23, 2017 6:42 AM


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